I'm sick...

Yesterday is really a "good day" for me. Why i say so? that's because im having sorethroat already ler... Somemore yesterday is the day i need to perform a presentation.

So what happen in my presentation? I was just present with all my energy to present word by word. Its very tough to talk loudly when you are having sorethroat.

Luckily, my condition allowed me to present all the thing i need to present. Just happen a incident that im too stress and forget everything i want to present! End up i was just reading an emergency script that i prepare in case i forgot my content. Brilliant? haha..

Luckily my tutor, Mr Lok appreciate my effort and give me 17 mark out of 20mark for individual part. But i really never expect can get this mark as im perfomaing so horrible due to nervous and sorethroat. Thanks Mr Lok! WaKAKA

Now, im having a even serious sorethroat thanks to my presentation yesterday. My throat is bleeding, i cant talk, only can eat porridge and forced to fill my stomach with water. Lol!

Haha.. really hope i can recover soon la... help! I dont wanna sick!!!


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