Long longs study break! Help~ I want a holiday!

Well, my title describe what my heart yelling now. Haha!

My exam timetable for this semester is just "fabulous".

Guess what. My exam timetable is sucks. Im having 2 subject on 22 and 23 April. Then the college arrange a 2 week long study break for me! Until 7 may only then i will have my last paper. Lol.

But all just can blame myself la... if i didnt fail that subject, my exam had ended on 23 April. Lol...

It's had been 1 week im in the study break, i almost did nothing at all because of the fear on the 7 May paper as i failed it before!

However, i still did something la... If not i think you will see my face turned green ad... Do you all know what is "fat mou" mean? haha!

Well, let me list down what i had done in last week:
Shopping! Yeah! This definitely is a must whenever i had free time! But lately i also quite poor, so cant shop much beside shop necessities for my Lang Tengah Island trip. lol...
Lets see what i had bought:
hoho! one pair of slipper. RM10 only...lol...

Some shorts....hoho... Lelong lelong! 1 for RM10... lol
Hoho... sure you will say: "What la... this also consider shopping?"
Well, thats what a poor person like me can afford...hoho...
Besides the gadget listed above, i also bought myself a pair of new sunglasses from Focus Point. Some will say Focus Point pricing quite expensive. But the shop i went having opening promotion. So i decide contribute some to their business. I buy the sunglasses along with my half year supply of contact lenses. Few hundred bucks contributed to them...lol...
Oops... talk too much...forgot attach my new sunglasses picture....do you think my sunglass nice? or just look ok? My dear say the sunglass colour is too light...lol
Here it comes:
After get my new sunglass, as a person who love camwhoring, i take lots of picture. But im not a leng zai. So dont expect much. I only have one picture to show you all, others are too bad to be shown. = )
Warning: The following picture may affect your apetite, open if you dare.
Did you feel want to beat me? Please don't o...
Pity me. Already so ugly, if you punch me i no need go out see people already.
Hoho... besides this, i enjoy myself in camwhoring even when i just wake up!
Here my second self snap shooting!
Seems i post too much own picture already. Lets talk about other thing. Did you ever see bamboo flower? Yes! Bamboo is flowering!
Well, this happen to 2 bamboo tree infront my house. Some say when bamboo flowers, it will bring prosperity to its owner. My mum do believe that and bought a lottery but end up dissapointed on second day when the lottery result release. lol...
Lets see the bamboo flower, actually bamboo flower is not pretty. It just look like grass.
This is before the bamboo flowering. See the bud?
After the bud gone through many days of growing process, it finally flower!
The flower contain alot of small spot which is the seed of the bamboo. So after that, i can expect more baby bamboo growing out beside the mother bamboo... lol
Now i really pray that the bamboo flower will bring me good luck in the coming exam on 7 May. Will it come true? I will tell you all on 7 May after my exam. lol...
I really hope the exam will come faster. (lol...i guess all sure say i crazy...haha)
Do you know why i hope so? It is because 10 May night i will be on Lang Tengah Island with my dearest Hitomi! That's what i hope most! Hope me and her can write another wonderful chapter again in our life. hehe =)
Seems i write too long already and i think its time for me to rest. So take care ya~ my friends!


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