Now everybody can go to moon! No jokes!

Well, NASA offer us a chance to go to moon. I guess everyone out there know who is NASA. If don't know, let me tell you here. NASA stands for National Aeronautics & Space Administration in US.

Recently, they offer a chance for everyone to go to moon. Sounds imposible? Well, we will not able to go moon in person now. But! NASA offer us to send our name to moon!

How it works? You have to go this website . Then fill in your name in the field provided.

The names filled in will be collected by the NASA and it will be placed on board the LRO space craft. The LRO spacecraft will mark the historical return of NASA to the moon.

After you submitted your name, you will get a certificate issued by NASA to show your support of the return to moon mission too!

So what are you waiting for? Just submit your name and your name are ready to go moon.

This program will ends at 27th June 2008. So be fast to grab your seat with NASA!

Let's go to moon! It's no longer a imposible!


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