I feel so lost! Sorry

Hmm. 2day is a sun shining day. Just there is a lots of thing bothering me.

Test, assignment, exam coming one by one. I wonder when is the end.

Stress is taking my breath off. Perhaps, i should have a break.

But how? How to have a break in such busy day?

Feel so lost! As in direction.

Sorry, a big appologize i would like to make.

To anyone in this world especially my family, my friends.

May be lately, i did act strangely, talk strangely with you guys.

Sorry again i appologize. Hope it is not too late. I appreciate you all.

Another sorry i would like to appologize with Charis.

I know you try very hard to advice me,

To change my perception,

May be i had dissapointed you,

May be i am too stubborn on something.

Something which i couldn't let go easily.

But i promise i will try mybest ok?

Shane also a girl which i would like to say sorry to,

May be i did too much mistake in the past,

May be i did not act in what you expected,

May be i did act stubborn with you in past 2 month,

Sorry i would like to say,

I understand that no matter how hard i change,

It is still an end although i not wish to.

Perhaps we could start all over again with a blank paper,

Isn't it sounds good? But im not the god who can change this.

Blogging is a big hobby i had since 1 year ago.

I step in with bare foot 1 year ago, and now i had some readers all over the world.

Sorry i would like to say to you all. I guess my topic is rather boring lately.

Again, i feel so lost to blog on whats my thought!

I would like to thank Charis, for guiding me all the way in life.

I would also like to thank her, for accompanying me for the 3rd years.

I would like to thank Katie, for supporting me no matter what i did.

I would like to thank Shane, for bringing me love and happiness for a year.

I would also like to thank her, for bringing me into this blogging atmosphere.

This is the first time i blog about my mood, hope you guys dont mind! I really stressed out and want to shout loudly.


  1. Anonymous said...

    hey my dear friend..
    i know it takes time..
    no worries..
    do not need to thank me
    i do this willingly and well
    that's what friends are for..
    a friend indeed is a friend in need...
    perhaps you shud really think
    and really think...
    life is too short to give up!!
    writing your feelings out is not
    wrong tho ur blog is more on gadgets..
    God give us emotions to express it..
    i know i have been telling yu this
    but i really wan to tell you again
    the Only person can heal you is none other that God
    God has been knocking on your door
    Are you willing to open it and accept Him?
    He wan to be in your life in your heart!
    Are you willing?

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