Jun's bday celebration Party 1: Feeling Cafe

Yesterday is my assistant classrep birthday! Kum Ming planned her 2 special party. The party is joint by we AAC3 member and also our former DAC12 geng!!! Its really a great night with you all. Jun! Happy Birthday ya!
Today is the second time i visit Feeling Cafe. The first time im visiting there with my ex colleague and we are busy feasting, so did not capture any picture.
But today, i am going to present some picture about the restaurant here!
Proudly present, Feeling Cafe!

The stage for performance.
Too many choice, cant decide which one should order... =P

After a while, our food is served, proudly present the bday girl, Jun and the food! Hoho! Jun is the model of the day! =P

Wow! Jun, you look so artistic in this picture la. Potential model. Btw, nice drink you have ya! =P

Peach red tea, Honeydew green tea.
-This drink taste great, but i think the cup is too small. Guy can easily finish it in few gulp. lol. =P
Honey lemon tea
-Same as the previous drink, this drink also served in normal cup. I expect it to be served in jumbo cup, but... XD
Horoscope drink - Cancer
-Seems very delicious, but you must finish it before it melt! Or else, you know what will happen... ^^

Satay Chicken Chop and Rice
Hmm. This taste normal, i will say so because the sauce is too dry.

Spicy French Fries
Nothing special about this, just normal french fries in spicy flavour, but it taste good!.

Party time!
Around 7pm, our beloved Group12 geng who did not study in AAC with we all finally joined in. Wakaka. And by that we declared that the party begins! See Jun happy face below... =P

After that, is our camwhoring time! See? We G12 geng just love camwhoring! ^^

Kum ming + Jun ( Love in the process? =P)

The bday girl Jun and Me. ( T.T ) I look so dark la....... omg

Sin Fatt, Jun, Kum Ming is camwhoring. =P

What you all doing? No~~~ (>.<)
Yin May, Steven, Yet Ling, Sin Fatt ( The black white pair... =P )

Ling + Jun
Feeling Cafe environment

At around 8.30pm, our gathering "adjourned". ( Meeting procedure? English for Business student will know this... lol...) Following up what happen next in my following post, the party is still not end! =P


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