aleluya its my holiday!

Yeah! this is 1st weekend of my holiday!!!
After my Auditing exam on wednesday, my holiday officially declared begins!
Yeah! Finally can have a great break before continue my next semester that sure will be busy! As i am the organizing committee member of an ACCA event. lol!
My holiday kick started off with Jamie's birthday celebration at Yuan Steamboat Restaurant, Bandar Sunway! This wonderful group12 gathering event attended by 30 members. =P
Yet Ling and the birthday girl, Jamie. Happy birthday leng lui Jamie! =P
Initial plan is celebrate for Jamie only. but ended up our celebration become celebration for all members of our gang that birthday on September! lol!
Happy birthday Wei Sheng, Melvin, Enson, and Benjamin! ^^
We are the loudest geng as we sing birthday song for 5 times for different people! lol!

Wei Sheng, the guy who always in blur. =P
Melvin, aiyo! you move too fast liao! Cant capture a proper one.
Enson, another birthday boy on September.
Benjamin, the funny guy. =P
The pity Secret Recipe's Transfat free blueberry cream cake... Let us finish till like this! lol!
Comment about Yuan Steamboat Restaurant, the food there are consider quite good. With the price of RM19.80 per person, you may enjoy the buffet steamboat dinner! On our visit, there is even a long long que waiting to be served outside the restaurant! Luckily we did book our place during that day. lol!
Pictures? Sorry ya! That day because i am busy preparing the birthday cake, ended up i have to reach the restaurant late! When i arrive, i have no choice but just start eating without any picture! The food are irresistable! Especially the bbq chicken wing! We have to grab it and queing like queing for free diamond! lol! A must try there.
Ok. After the dinner end around 11pm, we went home. However, disaster happens! I accidentally bumped with an taxi!!! Pity my 2 month old Toyota Vios. huuhuu!!! Bumper and the side near the tyre got scratched and dented! Wallet will bleed again! =(
Reached home around 12am and got scolded for the accident! =(
I promised! Next time i will be more carefull and teach those irresponsible bastard an lesson!
Sorry Jamie, Yet Ling and Benjamin who is my passenger for that night! I believe my mood after that accident ain't good and scared you all! Sorry!
Fixed my car yesterday at RM300 for repaint the bumper, repair the dented side. Hope its not expensive. lol~!
The rest of the week i stranded home only. =(
Between, i promised G3 that will join them for Sunway trip on 18 September, but i FFK(放飞机). hehe. Wei Gin, I know i can register myself to Pilot course la...wakaka! Congrat on your new blog. lol
So next week any activity? My friend? Anyone may start to invite me now! I am available for next week! woolaaaa...
Happy holiday everyone!!! ^^


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