Fuel price down by 10 cent on 25 September 2008!

Yeah! Heres some latest update about the fuel price.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi announced that fuel price will be discussed today.

Just now, Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad announced that the fuel price will drop by 10 cent! Effective on 25 September 2008 which is tomorrow.

New fuel price (effective from 25/9/2008)

Ron97 - RM2.45 (23/8/08 price: RM2.55, 4/6/08: RM2.70, Pre 4/6/08: RM1.92)
Ron92 - RM2.30 (23/8/08 price: RM2.40, 4/6/08: RM2.62, Pre 4/6/08: RM1.88)
Diesel - RM2.40 (23/8/08 price: RM2.50, 4/6/08: RM2.58, Pre 4/6/08: RM1.58)

This might be good news for the vehicle owner out there since the increase of 78 cent on 4th June earlier on this year.

However, the price now for Ron97 still 53 cent higher than RM1.92 per littre last time. The price of Ron92 still 42 cent higher than last time, Diesel still 82 cent higher than last time. Well, lets hope the international crude oil price will constantly decline so that our government will lower the fuel price.

Let's hope that all motorist dream of RM1.92 per littre will achieve one day. We hope for lower fuel price for lower inflation rate.


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