All passenger wear your seatbelt! M'sia new ruling!

From 1st Jun 2008, new rear seat belt ruling will be enforce in Malaysia!
All passenger in car, remember wear your seat belt! If you did not wear it, you wil be summoned!
There are 3 month grace period for us to get used to the new ruling. During this 3 month from 1st Jun to 31st August 2008, passenger found not wearing seat belt will be issued a warning letter by Road Safety Department or the Police.
Starting from 1st September 2008, summon will be issued to those who did not buckle up their seat belt.
Car produce before year 1995 will be exempted from this new ruling. Besides that, the Perodua Kancil and Kenari produced between 1997 to mid-2004 is also exempted from the rear seat belt ruling. This is because this model produced during the period do not have anchorage point to fitted in the rear seat belt.
Perodua car produced between 2004 and 2005 do have anchorage point but do not have rear seatbelt installed due to cost cutting measure. Regard this, the road safety department had proposed a proposal to Perodua to get the rear seat belt installed at a special package offered.
The car which is exempted from this new ruling will have 3 year to get rear seatbelt for their car.
The car owners are adviced to not having their seat belt being fitted in unauthorised workshop because retrofitting the rear seatbelt at anchorage points for seat belt as these workshop may jeopardise the safety aspect of your car and the passengers. So for your safety, just visit the manufacturer's workshop to get it installed.
The new ruling is believed to help reduce the car accident death rate for about 50% or 350 lifes per year. So as a Malaysia citizen who love our life, please wear your seat belt!


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