Which pathroad i should take?

Finally, i graduated from my diploma studies! Yeah!

Now, im studying in Advance Diploma.

But... I just feel unsure about whether i should take this path...

Advance diploma, ACCA, local Degree, UK degree, Australia degree... What should i choose?

Honestly, after so many incident happen, i had lost confident on myself.

Now, i feel unsure about my very own future! How? Seriously do not know what to do now. My life seems change so significantly on this eventful month of May.

A little shout from me. In a bad mood now. Sorry my readers.


  1. KOKahKOK said...

    depend on ur choise lo...if you really liek and wish to be a public registered accountant....den go for ACCA but....u need to make sure you not lazy!

  2. Jeffery said...

    hmm.. i really wish to be public charted accountant de... bt duno y study liao one week acca start to feel the stress lo... really cannot lazy ad...bt im a lazy bug... =P

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