Problem, are to be solved...

Problem... a typical thing that happens every moment in our life. Since day 1 we borned, we are borned to solve problem. From the moment we learn walking, we learn how to call pa pa, ma ma. All is the problems that had solved by us.

During childhood time, we take problem easily and solve them happily. As time grows, more and more problem comes in, how many of you really solve it? Sadly to say that as i see, most human around the world will just avoid it which including me.
Lets start with studies, some will simply quit studies because a stupid reason, "I cant take them!". I believe god is fair and give everyone capabilities to solve them. Although im also facing confidence problem nowadays but im still figthing with it.
Numbers of my friend end up deciding to quit from studies after diploma because they say they cant face it anymore. Hmm. I think everyone should just give yourself a chance to try. Avoiding definitely is the stupid way.
How to solve it? Still need me teach? Revision! All you need is that. My friend influence me so much on that. They always say: "Never say don't know, everyone is born with the same brain, it just the matter of how we learn." Hmm. I agree with that and im working towards it too! Right learning method is essential in solving studies problem.

Now, when we finally complete our studies, we will start to work as an adult. However, we always tend to forget our status as an adult yet thinking as an teenage. It may be fun but definitely wont help in competitive working environment. OK! May be you will say the workload is heavy, so you just want to enjoy your life when you having free time.
However, you spending the time you suppose to rest on weekend to have fun is it really good? Will it affect your working mood? When we did not rest well during weekend, we tends to be very tired during weekday and that will directly affected our capabilities when doing our job. When our energy is not there, definitely we will feel the workload is even heavier.
When you feel the workload is heavy, you will considering switching job. Problem is, do changing job will help? Its all just your habit that make you tired during weekday which directly cause you to think the workload is heavy.
Life in city are always stress, we all keep working, keep studying and spending all our energy hanging out at night and weekend! All this will definitely bring harm to our health. One of the most harming illness is the cancer, an illness that attacking more and more people around the world.

Let me ask you a question, what you will do when you found out yourself having cancer? As you know, chances of cancer patient to cure are not clear. Will you be positive and accept the treatment? Or you will give up yourself and commit suicide?
Definitely, you should be positive and accept the treatment. If you give up, you will definitely die in months time but you will gain longer life if you dont. However, the best way we should take here is avoid the cancer from happen on us but not avoiding the treatment if we have it.
Another typical problem is family problem, have anyone face family problem there? These type of problem arise as a child grows into teenage and slowly an adult. When live under one roof, problem will arise.
As example, a family can even argue for a small problem such as forgot to replace the toilet roll after it runs out. Some will thinking of move out from family because of this, isn't this funny? What you need is just an appologize and take more cautious next time.
And lastly, the relationship problem. This type of problem is usually the biggest and most complicated problem and everyone will not hope to see it and will avoid it definitely when it occur! In reality, every love, no matter how lovely the couple are, problem definitely will arise. Agree? I believe all who love before will agree.
How many of you actually breakup because unsolved problem? Actually, i also breakup few times because this reason. Hmm... Actually i think breakup is a stupid way of avoiding. Indeed, we should never avoiding any problem arise from love.
How? How to solve it? I would advice you a simple way, do not scare he / she will get hurt when you pointing out the problem, just say it whenever it is occur. Let him / her solve it together with you! Im sure he / she will solve it with you if love you.
Heard of Stone Picking theory before? Every stone is the same, just depends on how you polish it to be shining diamond. I think everyone should understand this.
So as conclusion, i think everyone should relearn the ability to solving problem ability which the god had give us since day 1 we borned. We just lost the ability slowly as time grow.
Last month, i understand a very meaningful quote from the animation, KUNG FU PANDA. The Master Oo Gui says: "One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it." Im gonna agree with it because we will still face the same problem next time when we choose to avoid it.
Ok, let me end this post. Let us learn how to solve all the problem and be happy!


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