20082008... another nice date! it also a nice day for me!

Today, 20/08/2008, is a great day which i think everyone should celebrate it!

Incidentally, there are 2 of my friend birthday today!

Happy birthday Soo Fern!

Happy birthday Sam!

How i spend this special day?

Early in the morning, i wake up at 6am and reach my college at 7.30am, damn early huh? No choice, today got a trial exam on 9am. So i decided to go college earlier to study.

Guess what is the so called trial exam? Before the test, our lecturer tell us that we can discuss the answer with our friend during the test! lol! So good and happy i am after heard this. No more heart attack will happen on me. Huuuh... released my breath...

Then, after the class end at 12pm, we, The great group 12 geng! Headed to Little Tree, Genting Kelang to enjoy our lunch and of course...

Celebrating Soo Fern's birthday!!!

Happy birthday again to Soo Fern!

One thing i would like to comment on Little Tree Restaurant is their food serving speed which is rather too slow. Perhaps our geng is too big which is 30 ppl? =P

Ok! But their food is not bad. So it is acceptable with the price of RM9.90 to RM13.90 for 1 set lunch. The RM9.90 is spaghetti set lunch, RM11.90 is chicken shop rice set lunch and RM13.90 is chicken chop set. All set lunch will comes with jasmine tea and a pudding.

After our lunch, we headed back to college for the following audit class. Too bad we reach late and luckily our tutor did not mind about it. Thanks!

After class, we sing a birthday song for another bday star 2day! Happy birthday SAM! We will remember your birthday de! All the best ya!

After that, due to insufficient sleep last night, i decided to return home to have my rest.

Ok. i should return to my sleep already. Good night! Muacks!


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