How many marks you think you deserved?

2day, my tutor Ms Karen ask all of us in the class,

How many marks you think you deserved in the presentation?

All of us gives different marks.

Some think themself deserved 15, some say 13, some say 12, some say 11, my classrep say 11.5, and some are so humble to say they only deserve 10.

This shows different level of confidence among ourself.

Me? i rate myself 10 only.


1st, i think i am unprepare in the presentation as in fail to understand clearly everything before presenting my answer.

2nd, i fail to present confidently. cause i fail to present what i plan to talk. ==

confidence plays a big role when comes to presentation.

After all of us tell our lecturer how many marks we deserved, Ms Karen start telling us the marks she give to us for the presentation and asking us why you think you deserved the marks you mention.

All of sudden, Ms Karen ask me am i sure i only deserve 10? While in shock mode, she tell me that i get 14. lol...

Im humble? i thought everyone say i ego. lol

hmm.. bt to be honest, i am lack of confident. i always feel so scare. and i do feel i did not do mybest in this presentation. i could do better if i were me last time.

hmm... jz a piece of crap 2day. sorry my readers.

But this question inspire me... and i would like to ask everyone,

how many marks you think you deserved?


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