hapi bday charis!

Thursday, 4th August 1988, a baby girl borned...

Her parent named this baby girl Charis... With hope she will be a charismatic person.

On 4th August 2008, this girl grown and become a lady officially. A lady equipt with leadership, friends and love of god.

Dedicated this poem (dun laugh... i know its not poem...=P) to the pretty lady named Charis...

your birth, bring shine to the world,

brighten up the day of your friend,

you learn, you walk, now you here,

success awaiting for you.

you wonder where is your life,

migrating an option you desire,

Wish you found your destiny there,

like a bird flying freedom in sky.

With love of jesus you have,

plus the friend that you gain in life,

You walk on path without fears,

with support from all of us.

I wish you the best in life,

and grate to have you my friend,

lets hope our friendship stay forever,

without boundary of universe.

*The End*

oops~~~forgot something...

happy birthday to you~

happy birthday to you~

happy birthday to Charis~

happy birthday to you~

Charis! All the best in life ya! Also wish you and Mr X all the best! ngekngek... i will support you forever de no matter whats your path... Friends forever!!! =P


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