Tired day!

huuhuu... how come today i feel so tired? hmm... Actually today is quite a meaningful day for me.

Early in the morning around 10am, i went to college to do my tutorial questions! (P/s: I seldom will do tutorial question normally...)

Then, attended a tutorial class at 12pm, basically my tiredness of the day starts here. Whole class i just cannot really absorb whats the lecturer teach infront. Huuh!!!

After the class, i had a badminton session with some G12 mates! Nice game with you all ya! Although im noobie and do not know how to play and just keep on loosing. But really enjoyed with you guyz alot today!

I also very very long no exercise myself already! Wahaha!!! Already grown weight to 64KG already from 54KG 3 months ago! Perhaps eat too much and never exercise? lol!

Thank god after some exercise today and some meal cutting, my weight drop back to 61KG. Huuhuu! Feel so relief suddenly but i know i still need work hard in keep fit!!!

After badminton session end, i wait for my friend class to end so that fetch her going back together. My friend approach me on 5pm and we go home. When i home, watch already shown 6pm.

After a short bath, i start my revision. Revision revision revision! I wonder where it will ends!

Till now! Im still revising!!! Help!!! Stress!!! haiz...


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