Im hibernating...

Hello to all my readers!

I am having examination from 4 September to 17 September 2008!


OK! So, since i having exam, i will be dissapeared from the internet.

So, if you had anything urgent to find me, you may send your email to

Take note! Only urgent thing can find me ya!

Oh ya! Before i forget, i would like to wish all my friend which having examinations this month:

All the best ya ! Gambatte!

Got tips remember tell me o! I need it!

If you kind enough to teach me, you are welcome too! I am taking AAC course in TARC. If you able to teach me, i need your help~~~

I am just too weak in my studies! Dont know whether can pass or not! T.T


Jeffery will start hibernating now! Bye!


  1. ♥ Jeannie ♥ said...

    Gambateh... u can do it de.. =)

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