Just give me a break! =P

Early in the morning around 5am, i start the day of 4th September 2008.

Why im waking up so early?

IM HAVING EXAM THIS MORNING AT 9AM! Have to wake up study lo!

Ok! I studied for 1 hour something in my room after wakeup and went college around 7am and thank goodness i reach college in 7.15am! Just take 15 minute time and NO JAM!

Studies with some group 3 members in the canteen and finally, we step in to our examination hall.

The subject that will be examined today...

ABMC 4144 (sei yat sei sei = die day die die) - Decision Management (Dead man)

Ok! First thing i do is fill up all the attendance form and start reading my question.

At first glance of the question, i have a smile on my face and thinking: "wa...so easy...yeah!"

But... After 30 minute trying it... My mind changed... "Sei lo sei lo! =="

After 3 hour of writing the answer, times is up and i pass up my answer which is full of mistake! T.T

OK! Stop mourning about that.


As usual, met with my friends after the exam to discuss about the exam just now. I wonder why we need to discuss back what we had happened in the exam. Decision management already is a sunk cost which is irrelevant to our decision. However, the following subject is the relevant cost!

Since this exam is so tough, almost everyone is feeling unhappy.

So my friend,

Look forward as look backward will only demotivating us and bring us pessimistic mind and thus lead to failure in future!

After that, me and some group 3 member's went Taman Bunga Raya, Setapak to enjoy our lunch! Again still discussing the exam question. lol!

After our lunch, me, Wen Chong, Steven, Sin Yee, Wei Gin decided to go Kepong for a badminton game. Since we are so stress now, we just need to hit something to release our stress!!!

Pity the shuttlecock! Being hit by us just because we want release stress! lol!

Before go to the badminton court, we decided to visit Wen Chong house as he need to take some racket for us since we did not bring racket. haha! Between, his sister is playing piano so well! (p/s: regret didnot learn piano last time liao! T.T)

Oh ya! I will also need to thanks Wen Chong to supply us some mango juice! Thanks ya! =P Your house is big.

Then, we heading to the badminton court which is located just nearby Wen Chong's house. To our surprise, another group 3 member, May join us too!

After we reach there, we start our game,

We just HIT! HIT! AND HIT THE SHUTTLECOCK! (Evil laugh...)

Me, May, Steven, Sin Yee are occupying one court. Too bad, my skill in badminton still weak! Always missed the ball! lol! Perhaps i should practise more start from today!

After playing a while, i realise i am so cha sui leh! I start to feel tired and abit dizzy after 40 minute of game! Haiz... Very clearly lately i lack of exercise, so the stamina already not there! T.T I dont want to be old uncle!

OK! I will exercise more start from today! I want to diet! hoho!

We play badminton from 3pm till 5pm and then we decided to return home!

While we are on the way back to Wangsa Maju, i realise the scenary is just so nice! Too bad i do not have camera with me! If not i will snap it to share it here!

Once i reach home, its already 7pm! And i am online until now! Which is 1am! lol!

OK! I should stop crapping here. Bye!

Just give me a break!


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