Im... Back... 我。。。回来了。。。

Its had been 1 month i never update my blog and now i declared that i am back!

During the time i dissapear from blogging world, i received alot of comment of my readers on where i gone. I am so sorry for dissapearing so long. Sorry ya! Appologize for that.

hehe. clarification... im not being caught by alien la... Alien tak minat to kaji me as im also a alien. lol! =)

Perhaps the busy life lately is the alien who catch me away in blogging world? lol!

finally, i found some free time to update my blog from a busy life.

Lately, my life goes on as usual. Filled with heavy workload and also busy with my love. =P

24 november also is an important day to me as i am finally leave the shell of teenage and enter the age of 20! Kinda mixture feeling though. Sad because there will be 1 more big candle on my cake! Happy because 1 more year i will finally can be declared as adult! Can marry without restriction, can enter casino, can enter all disco and pubs! =P

This year my birthday is kind of special and with alot of wishes and love from friends and also my baby! Thanks everyone who wished me, celebrate with me and give me present! I really appreciate it alot! Its really alotz of surprise you all gave me and i really enjoy it!

Domo Arigato! I really love the wishes that i received! Its hard for me to list down all friend that had greet me as there is just too many but i really appreciate it! Thanks ya! For the birthday present you all give me, i really love it alot! Thanks to my baby and also group 12 for the present. I love you guys!

Well, my lifes return to normal on my first month of being 20. Lets hope there will be more fun awaits me in future and perhaps i will update it to my blog!

Stay tune to my blog ya! Love you guys! Here i declared that i am back!

With love,
From Jeffery


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