J-BLOG is 1 years old! Happy birthday!

06/09/2007, J-BLOG is borned...

Born with the post of Nokia Go-Play launching...

My blog isn't interesting at first...

I only manage to place 3 post on that month...

October and November 2007...

There is no new post in my blog...

Just feel i do not have correct direction for my blog...

As there is too few reader come to my blog...

December 2007... my blog is reactivated!

It is reactivated with the post about new Proton Saga BLM!

This time seems my blog direction is right...

I found my readers from that post...Appreciate their visit so much...

February 2008...

The 10,000th visitor visits my blog!

It bring J-BLOG lots of meaning...

Seems my readers enjoy my car and mobile phone review...

Just car and mobile review ain't tasty enough...

I spice it up with my personal experience...

Food i ate...place i travelled...also some sesame size matter in my life...

I share happiness, sadness, excitement and my view...

Sometimes...When my mood is bad...

Or i am busy that period...

I will feel to give up this blog...

But i fail...Because J-BLOG like my son to me...

On the 5th September 2008...

The day before today...

Jeanie the lucky blogger became my 50,000th readers!

This figure meant alot to me... Im so excited!

Today is 6th September 2008...

J-BLOG is officially declared 1 years old...

Just to wish my J-BLOG a happy birthday...

Wish J-BLOG can be the greatest blog to you all...

With love,
From the father of J-BLOG,


  1. Anonymous said...


  2. Faizal Ahmad said...


    i am so impressed with your blog performance. could you give me some advice on what should i do to attract more readers?

    my blog ( the petrolhead) is a new blog. i started to write there in less then a month ago and i think people dont really like it much (since it's only 500 people visit read it). sometimes i feel like i want to delete it.

    jeffery, please advise me on this.thanks..

  3. Faizal Ahmad said...


    i am so impressed with your blog performance. could you give me some advice on what should i do to attract more readers?

    my blog ( the petrolhead) is a new blog. i started to write there in less then a month ago and i think people dont really like it much (since it's only 500 people visit read it). sometimes i feel like i want to delete it.

    jeffery, please advise me on this.thanks..

  4. ♥ Jeannie ♥ said...

    am i the one? i mean your no 50000 reader? anyway, gratz on that.. i really do think that u have a great great blog.. Gambateh ya.. =)

  5. Jeffery said...

    To. iyungwei

  6. Jeffery said...

    To. mr5zal
    thx for ur wish!

    well, my blog at 1st also no readers. one day just around 50 readers. but as i keep adding new content to my blog, my blog start to appear in google search and rank higher and higher.

    when there is our link in google search, more user will start to flow in! and thats the time u start to have a lot of readers!

    so do not give up in ur blog! personally i think ur blog is great! keep it on! i believe after ur blog have more content then will have alot of visitor.

    to me, this works!

  7. Jeffery said...

    hehe... paiseh.. actually i type wrongly...

    my blog 50,000th reader is Jeanie... haha. u noe her also de ma... rig? hahaha. u 2 de name too similiar la... so confusing sometimes... i gt 2 more fren name jeanie too... =P

  8. ♥ Jeannie ♥ said...

    lol. i knew u will type wrongly de, coz i don't remember i came b4 around that time..=)

  9. ♥ Jeannie ♥ said...

    lol. i knew u will type wrongly de, coz i don't remember i came b4 around that time..=)

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