Money No Enough II - Outing to Times Square

10 years ago... money no enough...

10 years later... money still no enough...

Ehemm... Let me introduced you...

Money No Enough II


This is a very touching movie featuring Jack Neo which also the producer of the film, Henry Thia, Mark Lee, and Lai Ming.

In this movie, Lai Ming acted as an pity old mother while Henry Thia as the eldest brother, Mark Lee as the second brother while Jack Neo as the youngest brother.

A very touching movie i would like to say with one of Singapore's national song being sung in hokkien at the beginning of the movie! lolx

The brothers met their success in business. However, thing change when Ah Huang (Youngest Brother) and Ah Hui (Eldest brother) health care business met disaster where the product is banned in Singapore due to user's poisoning effect. The second brother, Ah Qiang property business also face tragedy.

With all these tragedy, their life faces big changes. Personally, i love Lai Ming's character in this movie alot! It trully reflect the mother's life in modern world. This movie overall also reflect the Singapore's lifestyle.

So, I would like to invite everyone to go cinema to watch this movie! As it is really meaningful and have a touching ending! If you want to know more about the film, you may ask me personally. (I shouldnt post whole story here to protect the author's privacy.)

I watched that movie at 29/08/2008 in 6.45pm at GSC times square! I reached there around 4pm with my friend.

Where we go while waiting the movie start?

NgekNgek... For a food lover like me, i sure suggest to go for our early dinner!

Food Food Food!!! =P

Introduce you. Sek Hou Restaurant!

I believe everyone know about this restaurant if they frequent the Times Square. It is located on Third Floor right beside the cinema.

For the drinks, i ordered:

Apple soda blended with cream (苹果忌廉苏打冰)

It taste so so because the soda and cream is almost tasteless, the apple juice at the bottom taste good but it is just too little to make whole cup of drink tasty.

While for the food, i ordered:

Baked Spaghetti with Beef in "Twin Sauce"(鸡肉酱白汁牛肉意粉 )

For this, i will put a thumb up for it! It taste so good! The twin sauce means the minced chicken sauce and cheese sauce. The minced chicken sauce is so so so tasty! The beef sliced also accompany with the cheese sauce! Its simply so delicious! Yet, the spaghetti is served in big portion! I believe a lot people will feel full after eating this.

Then we heading to our cinema and incidentally bumped into another 2 friend and we incidentally will watch the same movie at same time! Who are they? Erm..Better not to disclose here or i might get chopped. ngekngek.

The movie last for slightly more than 2 hour and i fall my tears in certain part of the movie. So touching! Sweat! My friend just beside me. Luckily she did not saw it. If not im gonna be so fishy. =P

After that movie, as usual i fetch my friend back to Melati Utama before heading to my own home.

Again, the traffic is just so jammed! Lets hope the new LRT line announced in Malaysia's 2009 budget will help on that! My home will be benefitted from that LRT line! yoohoo!!! I can go Bangsar and Damansara easier with this Cheras - Damansara LRT line!

Once i reach home, time already 10.30pm. Its so tiring! However, i still writing this! =P

Ok! Thats the end of my outing on 29 August 2008. =P
(P/s: My exam is on next thursday. I still keep on playing. Countdown tonight? Cannot la! I must force myself to be hardworking liao!!! =P )

Hybrid car price to be dropped! Civic hybrid? Toyota Prius? Gen2 hybrid?

Yes, in yesterday Malaysia's 2009 budget presentation, our prime minister reveal some good news for us.

One of the biggest best news that benefited the motoring industries is the waive of import tax on hybrid vehicle! Only 50% local tax will be imposed on those vehicle. This applicable to hybrid vehicle imported by franchise holder with engine capacity lower than 2000c.c.

This tax reduction effective from 1st September 2008 to 31st December 2010. After that, government are expecting the production of hybrid vehicle to be CKD in Malaysia.

Currently, the only hybrid vehicle available in Malaysia is the Honda Civic Hybrid. It is powered by a 1.3 litter gasoline engine and also an electric motor. The price currently are RM162,800. While in Langkawi, the Civic hybrid is sold at only RM100,800!

With the waived of import tax, may be we could get the Civic hybrid at same price as Civic 1.8 model? Let's wait Honda's announcement for it.

The waive of import tax on hybrid vehicle will definitely increase the hybrid vehicle sales in our country! Imagine if both normal Civic and Civic hybrid sold at same price, which one you will go for?

Both produce same power output while Civic hybrid consume lesser fuel than normal Civic! I bet everyone will definitely opt for Civic hybrid to reduce petrol bills! The Civic will able to run 31km with 1 litter of fuel!

In general, hybrid vehicle will consist of a normal gasoline engine and supported by an electric motor to boost the output. The emission level of the hybrid vehicle will be minimal and the petrol usage are 50% lesser.

With this move, i believe other car manufacturer also will consider importing hybrid vehicle into our country. I believe UMW Toyota Malaysia will now consider import the Toyota Prius hybrid into our country. Anyone can guess how much is Toyota Prius will be sold if it is here in Malaysia?

This also post a threat for Proton to come out with hybrid vehicle as soon as posible to remain competitive! Currently, Proton already developed Proton Gen 2 Eve which is a hybrid vehicle. Now its only matter of time when Proton will able to make the hybrid vehicle to be ready for sale. I believe it should be fast through the help of its subsidiary, Lotus.

So in conclusion, the tax waival of hybrid vehicle will definitely benefit the consumer as now we could get the hybrid vehicle which consume lesser petrol at a lower price. It will also help in improving the air quality in our city. Perhaps one day when all car are hybrid vehicle, sure the KL air will be cleaner.

Alexis Ampang - happy happy day (Part 2) 28/08/2008

Here are my part 2 of my happy happy day! For whom who wonder what is the part 1, scroll down, the part 1 is after this post.

Today at 5pm, i fetched Ms. Vion from TARC and heading to Jalan Ampang.

Traffic was pretty smooth and we reach the Great Eastern Mall, Jalan Ampang at 5.30pm.

Ok! As shown in the picture above, alexis is a restaurant. What so special about it? Read this post and i will explain to you.

Alexis Ampang is a cozy and romantic restaurant situated in Ground floor of Great Eastern Mall at Jalan Ampang. Great Eastern Mall is situated right infront of Jalan Ampang - Jalan Jelatek junction. If you enter the mall with front door, you will need to turn right and you will see the restaurant. If you are from car park, you need to go up 2 floor from car park to reach G floor.

For your information, Alexis Ampang have a no photo policy. So i couldn't capture much photo for it. (I just dislike the no photo policy! The food are awesome!)

The feel in the restaurant is really comfortable and romantic! You can enjoy your dates, haging around with your friends here! You may even experience jazz music performed live by famous artist such as Malaysia's favourite Michael Veerapen!

For your information, Michael Veerapen will have a performance on 29th and 30th August in Alexis Ampang on 10.30pm. Cover charged are applied which is RM25 only!

My friend, Ms. Vion ordered Pasta ( Dont know what farfalle already. Its a type of farfalle.) while me ordered Pan Fried Chicken Steak.

My deep pan fried chicken steak. With a salad included. (but that salad not that nice. the chicken steak is great! Crispy and soft inside! Overall, it tasted good. Rating: 4/5)

Sorry for no picture on the pasta ordered by Ms. Vion because i forgot to capture the photo! hahaha! But the pasta i guess is nice because Ms Vion seems love it so much! The pasta only cost RM28! At such a cozy environment and such a great food, RM28 is definitely reasonable.

For the drinks, i ordered Caffe Latte while Ms Vion ordered jasmine tea. The caffe latte is served in small cup portion but it is nice too! It cost RM10. The jasmine tea is served in tea pot and you can even ask for refill! I regret for not following Ms. Vion and order jasmine tea! My suggest, if you planning to chit chatting with friends there, order jasmine tea is the best!


Here come the legendary of Alexis

Ta da da da~~~ Tiramisu!!!

Warning: Heavenly DELICIOUS! It will MELT your tongue!

I sweared it is the best in town! It has the rich texture that we couldnt found in other place's tiramisu! It is priced at RM13 per piece! (Seems pricey but i bet it is far better than Sxxxxx Recipe's cake!)

Me and Ms. Vion ordered 2 pieces! Its simply too delicious till me and her cant resist! So we decided to take away one more piece for her friend! Hehe. Good things are meant to be shared.

The tiramisu is consist of few layer of cake with a layer of cheese + crunch chocolate in the middle and finally topped by crunch nuts and also roasted almond nuts.

So it is rather different from traditional tiramisu. However, it is heavenly delicious! It put a satisfaction smile on my face!

Tiramisu's rating: 5/5

We hang around there until 7.30pm before we decide to leave there for home! To my surprise when bill come, it only cost me RM140.30! I find it is reasonable as we pay for the great services and good quality food!

For your information, Alexis also having its restaurant in Bangsar (Jalan Telawi 3), Bangsar Shopping Centre and The Gardens.

Once settle the bill, i drive Ms Vion home and as usual, KL is so jam! I wonder why KL so many cars. @@

When after fetch her home and i reach my own home at Cheras, clock already shown is 10pm! lol!

Ok! Seems nights is "old" already and i think its time for me to sleep. Good night everyone!

Thanks G3 and Ms. Vion for making my day special! ^^ Really happy today! Until my mum say this when i home: "My son, you win lottery? Why you smile so sweet?" ==

(P/s: To whom who wonder who is Ms. Vion, she is my friend that i am very happy to be with! =P)

happy happy day (Part 1), 2day had a nice date! 28/08/2008

Yeah! Today is the most happy day of the month! Perhaps the happiest day since May 08! Wonder why im so happy on May 08? You will know if you got follow my blog all the while... ^^

Today, 28 August 2008, its my happiest day! (FYI, 28 August 2007 is my another happiest day too!)

Oh ya! Do you realise the date today is nice too? 28.08.2008 (yi fatt, ling fatt, yee ling ling fatt!)

haha! back to topic. Why im so happy today?

Eheemmmm...clearing my throat... testing testing 123... broadcast begins...

today as usual i went to my advance financial accounting lecture at 10am, suddenly, i feel my lecturer is so funny today! She teach contingent asset and liability in such a funny way! I will talk about this in future post! stay tuned for this!

Next, me and the group 3 AAC gang went to MCD at Melati Utama to enjoy our lunch too! Besides, i also met with my previos lecturer, Miss Susan Lim. So miss her yo! Wish she could teach us also. Enjoyed a great chit chatting session with them. Thanks ya!

We hang around there until 1.30pm and we went back to our TARC to attend our lovely Miss Melissa class! I would like to say Miss Melissa is a great lecturer! Any junior, if your tutor is her, i guaranteed your lesson will not be boring! We also play some game during the class. So enjoyed!

This is what we played today during class:

Then, after the class end at 3pm, we G3 does not let the fun end! We indeed went to take some class photo together! Here it goes! (G3 members! U can download here, it is full clear version.)

After the class photo session, some of the G3 which is me, Wei Gin, Steven, Sin Yee, Gavin, Wen Chong went to a huge badminton hall somewhere in Wangsa Maju Section 4 which i forgot the name already. =P (Old ppl syndrom d i hav...==)

The badminton hall is really big! With 30++ badminton court inside!

At first, im not planning to play badminton and planning to be just help them "pump gas"! End up, they drag me along to play badminton too! That time i dont want to play because i have a date with Vion to a place later on at 5pm and i dont want to make myself sweaty. End up my body so sweaty and smelly after the game. =P

Pung Wei Gin mou ying hand? =P actually is my camera cant capture the movement. =P

Gavin: Jump! Jump! Jump!

Match between Steven and Sin Yee. =P

We rent the badminton court until 6pm, however i have to leave at 4.45pm to go back college to fetch Ms. Vion. =P

OK! I will bring the thing that happen after this to my next post, stay tuned ok?

Good nights! Such a great day i have today! Thanks everyone who makes my day wonderful! Although i went out from 9am to 10pm, i am enjoying it!

i would remain silent...

today, i saw somebody bashing me non-stop.

yes! i admit i am bad last time.

However now i had changed,

The somebody also say i changed,

should i still being bashed by the somebody like no ending?

Whatever people blame on me, i wont care,

i would remain silent.

No point putting blame on each other.


Ok! I want to back in to silent now.

Feel so angry all of sudden.


Funny Mathematics, General Equations and Statistics...(U)

Smart man
+ smart woman = romance

Smart man
+ dumb woman = affair

Dumb man
+ smart woman = marriage

Dumb man
+ dumb woman = pregnancy


Smart boss
+ smart employee = profit

Smart boss
+ dumb employee = production

Dumb boss
+ smart employee = promotion

Dumb boss
+ dumb employee = overtime


A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.

A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need.


A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.

A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.

A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.

A successful woman is one who can find such a man.


To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little.

To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.


Married men live longer than single men do, but married men are a lot more willing to die.


A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.

A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.


A woman has the last word in any argument.

Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.


Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, 'You're next.' They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.


M'sia 80's baby must read this!

We grew up watching Transformers,

Thundercats, Woody Woodpecker,
Chipmunks, Mickey Mouse, Jem, Mask,
Ninja Turtles, Voltron, Baja Hitam,

Ultraman n not forgettin POWER RANGERS
n BUGS BUNNY!!!and anderra yippa mice?

:), McGyver ?

had to brush our teeths during recess
at primary school? had to hold plastic
cups, line up with your classmates side
by side and start brushing our teeths
at some open area... or maybe near some

do you still remember that we had
'dentist' rooms where we had to have
teeths check?

not to forget our 'program minum susu'
in primary school.. everybody is

to buy like cartons of milk that costed
30 cents.. and you would see everyone
drinking it everyday...its d UHT

the teachers who would want to punish
us must use yellow rulers to hit us on
our palms?? 1 metre length..

that a bowl of mihun soup or some soup
only costed 50 cents at the school

went to some sundry shop near the
or to the 'roti' man waiting outside
schools so that we can buy junk food
like chickedees, mamee, ding dang with
some toys in it, 'Ti Kam', ice-cream
we would play games like monopoly, uno,
old maid, and all other card games like

another fun time would be during
Pendidikan Jasmani. the boys would
play football while the girls would
play netball... and it would be like we
were playing in the world cup...

but of course. the best would be main
guli, batu seremban, bottlecaps, ice-
cream sticks, 'Pepsi Cola
one-two-three', Cops and Robbers, main
kejar-kejar duduk,getah... and for the
not so active, those kind of 'book
games' where we would use buku latihan
to draw and ask our friends to play...

do you remember the ice-cream tubes
which are actually ice and colouring
that are sold for 10 to 20 cents.. the
colourful ones.. where you usually bite
off the top to glup it
tastes b best..(pop-ice)

what about days when we felt like doing
naughty things such as folding papers
so small to make 'lastik' amd shoot
each other... how about throwing

back then, micheal jackson was just
turning white.. and still had albums
coming out.. compared to CD's, we were
listening to tapes that sold for RM9.90

in computer class, we were still using
black and white computer moniters..
played 'Atari'... maybe SEGA or

well, are we all getting older or what?

1) if you understand what you have read
and you are smiling...

2) we have friends from school that are
already married...

3) we shake our heads everytime we
see high school students fussing about
their handphones in school..

4) we don't hang on phone with our
friends for hours a day talking about

5) when we meet back with our friends
from time to time, we feel excited and
happy talking about old times, the
funny 'adventures' or stories that we
experienced as a kid..

6) last but not least, that when you
read this, you would think of all the
happy & sad memories that you have
experienced when you were still a kid
and would think of forwarding this to
your old friends that you have known
since forever... i'm sure they would
have a huge smile on their face after
reading this.....

p.s: if u feel u're one of them who
experinced this, repost this to share
wif ur frens... ;)

Honda City 03 - 05 model will get free rear seat belt!

Today, a MOU had been signed between Honda Malaysia and JKJR on the rear seat belt campaign and promotion on road safety.

Malaysia are planning to introduce rear seat belt campaign which will take effect on 1 January 2009. All car model which produced after year 1995 except Perodua Kancil shall be fitted with seat belt and all passenger are required to put it on.

For the rear seat belt issue, there are 25,480 units of Honda City produced between year 2003 to 2005 which do not have REAR CENTRE SEAT BELT. For your information, the Honda City produced during this period only have 2 tri-point ELR seat belt at the rear seat and no rear centre seat belt.

These car will receive free installation of rear centre seat belt free of charge! The installation of rear centre seat belt for affected Honda cars will begin in October this year and will be conducted in batches. Honda Malaysia will inform the owners on further details in the near future.

In commenting on the installation of Rear Seat Belts for Honda cars, Mr. Fujimoto said that until 2007, Honda Malaysia has sold 132,764 Honda cars of which 25,480 units of them are without Rear Centre Seat Belts. They are the Honda City, which were sold between 2003 to 2005. These cars will receive free installation and the cost will be borne by Honda Malaysia.

The installation of Rear Centre Seat Belts for Honda cars will start in October and will be conducted in batches. Honda Malaysia will inform the owners on further details accordingly.

Tired day!

huuhuu... how come today i feel so tired? hmm... Actually today is quite a meaningful day for me.

Early in the morning around 10am, i went to college to do my tutorial questions! (P/s: I seldom will do tutorial question normally...)

Then, attended a tutorial class at 12pm, basically my tiredness of the day starts here. Whole class i just cannot really absorb whats the lecturer teach infront. Huuh!!!

After the class, i had a badminton session with some G12 mates! Nice game with you all ya! Although im noobie and do not know how to play and just keep on loosing. But really enjoyed with you guyz alot today!

I also very very long no exercise myself already! Wahaha!!! Already grown weight to 64KG already from 54KG 3 months ago! Perhaps eat too much and never exercise? lol!

Thank god after some exercise today and some meal cutting, my weight drop back to 61KG. Huuhuu! Feel so relief suddenly but i know i still need work hard in keep fit!!!

After badminton session end, i wait for my friend class to end so that fetch her going back together. My friend approach me on 5pm and we go home. When i home, watch already shown 6pm.

After a short bath, i start my revision. Revision revision revision! I wonder where it will ends!

Till now! Im still revising!!! Help!!! Stress!!! haiz...

Perodua MPV to be based on MYVI / VIVA? Longer wheelbase!

Previosly, i had blog a post about Perodua MPV . Today, one of my blog reader Mr5zal had updated me with some information about the Perodua MPV.

According to the Perodua staffs, the MPV will be based on Viva's platform. In another words, may be you can imagine a Viva with longer chasis and wheelbase. They also said something about Kenari Replacement Model.

After hearing this rumour, i guess may be the Perodua MPV we had been rumoured for long is the Kenari replacement model that had grown in size? What model from Daihatsu will Perodua copy this time? Anyone got any clue? Im unsure. Perhaps it is based on Dahatsu Move again.

However, there is another posibility that the Perodua MPV will based on Viva but with longer and wider chasis to make it as large as Toyota Avanza which also produced by Perodua? Will the new Perodua MPV replaced Toyota Avanza? May be Perodua MPV will based on Toyota Sienta?

All this still rumour and im unsure whether it is true. However, Mr5zal told me that he will try get some photo about the Perodua MPV. Perhaps i will update it when it is available.



















HONDA CITY 2008 clear spyshot!!! Civic inspired!

I believe most of us already heard about the rumour of new Honda City since May 2008! On May 2008, i also posted the rumour design and specification of the New Honda City. I believe my blog had the earliest information about this Honda City. =P
Below are my previous post about new generation Honda CITY:
Yesterday, one of the Flickr user, wou1wou2 also posted some undisguished photo of the new 2008 Honda City! And since we can clearly see City emblem in this series of photo, we can comfirmed that it is the new Honda City!
It prove my earlier rumour on May 2008 that new City will based on Honda Civic's design! Cool i would say! Whats more, it is based on Euro R CIVIC! Personally, i more prefer EURO R CIVIC over our JDM CIVIC.
The photo is believed snapped in Thailand's Honda manufacturing plant as we can see a Thai's non smoking sign in the rear shot of Honda City.

The front of the New Honda City features alot of element found in Honda FCX Clarity and also Civic Euro R! Perhaps it is produced under same designer as CIVIC and FCX Clarity!
The new Honda City look much more American with the front grille design resemble the new Honda Accord. Perhaps the front grille design is Honda's new corporate design.

The headlight's of the New 2008's Honda City resemble the headlight design found in Civic Euro R and FCX Clarity. The front grille of the City is painted in Silver. Perhaps chrome grille will look better, Honda?

The rear of the new City resemble the aerodynamic line of Civic with a much more conservative tail light design compare to Civic. However, this design is still owesome in similiar category. It definitely score better than the Vios in terms of exterior look.

Interior wise, the new Honda City provide a conservative yet comfortable cabin look. The center panel design seems abit boring and personally i will prefer the old one. The audio head unit seems abit plain.
The air cond control and air cond vent also same like the type found in older generation Civic which is a drawback. However, one of the reason for the center panel being so plain is cost costing to make this City affordable.
Besides that, from the picture, we can also see the Honda City is running a conventional type of gearbox. No gate shifter gearbox will be found in this City. However, this Honda City is powered by 5 speed gearbox! Expect improved fuel economy and performance here!

The meter panel is nicely lit in red! I love red meter panel! Too bad, my VIOS meter panel is in white/blue. ==
From the picture, we can also see a new steering design on this new Honda CITY! Its is the same one found in Honda Jazz. Same with Honda Jazz, this Honda City also will support paddle shift function! Enjoy gear shifting manually from your steering when you want to seek a thrilling experience!

The seat and interior colour trim in this City is in light cream colour! Perhaps we will get dark interior in Malaysia? Since the current Honda City VTEC also in dark grey while Honda City IDSI is in beige. Honda Malaysia, please bring in dark interior.
Personally, i think the arm rest on this Honda City is rather too low. We might not able to rest our hand in this arm rest comfortably.


The new Honda City is powered by Honda's latest i-VTEC technology! One drawback on this new Honda City is that i-Dsi variant will be no longer available. In another words, we might not able to buy a Honda City within RM80,000 budget.
In some country, the new Honda City will be available in 2 engine capacity which is 1.3 or 1.5 i-vtec engine. Perhaps Honda Malaysia should bring in 1.3 i-vtec variant to Malaysia to make City's price under 80K? Since we could expect the 1.5 i-vtec variant will be 90K region.
For your information, the 1.5 SOHC 4 Cyclinder 16 Valve i-VTEC engine in Honda City is same as the one found in the new Honda Jazz which is just launched few days ago. This engine will able to put out 120ps at 6,600rpm and 145Nm of torque at 4,800rpm.

The new Honda City is also featured a set of 16 inch sport rim! Perhaps this is due to the Honda City are now capable to put 120ps. For your information, too big rim on small horsepower car will directly affect the fuel economy. However, with City's 120 horsepower capacity, pulling 16 inch rim will not be a problem.
Besides that, the rear wheel of the new City's also feature solid disk brake! However, we might see rear drum brake on lower grade variant in City when it is launched.
So as conclusion, the new Honda City will be Civic look alike and the size is somehow had been enlarged. With i-DSI variant had been removed, we might see the price of new Honda City be at 90K region. However, if Honda Malaysia launch 1.3 i-VTEC variant, the price might be keep at 80K level.
The new Honda City are expected to be launched in Thailand in August or September 2008 and also in some other country. While in Malaysia, some Honda SA inform us that it will be available in end of year 2008.