Who i look alike with? before and after cut my hair.
I got one funny web application to share with you guys today! This website can tell you which celebrity that look alike with you!
Below is my celebrity look alikes chart before i cut my hair, have a look:

Wow! I looks like:
So happy now! Even the look alike percentage is not that high. =P
Oh ya! Below is my another celebrity look alike chart after i had my hair cut last week. =P Dont be shocked with my new hairstyle. muahaha!

Seems i look alike with different people this time wo! lol. Maybe hair cut really make a difference to a people's look. This time i look alike with :
So in conclusion, you can spend hours of fun with this website. But the result u get might not so accurate as it largely depend ur picture input and they wil jz do face recognition. Anyway, have fun with it ya!
Below is my celebrity look alikes chart before i cut my hair, have a look:
Wow! I looks like:
- Fukada Kyoko (78%!!! Wa! If im girl and have so high percentage jau gud lo...)
- Kana (72%!!! Haha! She is a big leng lui...)
- William Moseley (72%!!! Woohoo! I look alike with him! Cool!!!)
- Takuya Kimura (70%!!! ngek ngek...)
- Phyllis Quek (68%! Not bad... i loook alike with so many artist. =P)
So happy now! Even the look alike percentage is not that high. =P
Oh ya! Below is my another celebrity look alike chart after i had my hair cut last week. =P Dont be shocked with my new hairstyle. muahaha!
Seems i look alike with different people this time wo! lol. Maybe hair cut really make a difference to a people's look. This time i look alike with :
- Lee Hyori! my favourite celeb!(72%!)
- Kana (70%! again?)
- Zhang Zi Yi (64%! Wow! i look alike with her!)
- Oguri Shun (64%! He is so leng zai, if 100% look alike him jau gud le. dreaming... =P)
- Phyllis Quek (61%! Again? lol)
So in conclusion, you can spend hours of fun with this website. But the result u get might not so accurate as it largely depend ur picture input and they wil jz do face recognition. Anyway, have fun with it ya!
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