i miss you! blue blue sky
This few day, the sky also blur blur de. I heard that the air polution is cause by the jungle fire in Sumatera. Hundreds or hotspot detected all around sumatera.
Few days ago, i captured some photo where the sky is still in clear blue condition... So miss it! Huuhuu... I dont want breath in poluted air! The poluted air had indirectly drag my mind down...
Below is what i miss so much this few day!
But... This few day, my clear blue sky had left!!! T.T Everymorning wake up also only can see "ham dan wong"... zzz...

Hate poluted air la! Lets hope the fire can be put off as soon as posible... Arigato to all fireman. ^^
Few days ago, i captured some photo where the sky is still in clear blue condition... So miss it! Huuhuu... I dont want breath in poluted air! The poluted air had indirectly drag my mind down...
Below is what i miss so much this few day!
-But... This few day, my clear blue sky had left!!! T.T Everymorning wake up also only can see "ham dan wong"... zzz...
Hate poluted air la! Lets hope the fire can be put off as soon as posible... Arigato to all fireman. ^^