Gematriculator - Rate how evil are your blog now!
Hehe... Saw a post in Jeannie's blog introducing this gematriculator. lol!
This tools can actually rate how evil or how good are our blog!
Proudly present... is certified:

(p/s: Jeannie... My blog is less evil than urs o! haha! joking only. =P)
Introduction of this tools.
Basically, it is a set of calculation which searching for different patterns through the text, such as the amount of words beginning with a vowel.
If the amount of these matches is divisible by a certain number, such as 7 (which is said to be God's number), there is an incontestable argument that the Spirit of God is ever present in the text.
Another important aspect in gematria are the numerical values of letters: A=1, B=2 ... I=9, J=10, K=20 and so on. The Gematriculator uses Finnish alphabet, in which Y is a vowel.
Hehe! Whether you believe this or not, this website is really fun to try out! So everyone out there, try this gematriculator and tell me your result ya! Bye!
This tools can actually rate how evil or how good are our blog!
Proudly present... is certified:
38% evil, 62% good
(p/s: Jeannie... My blog is less evil than urs o! haha! joking only. =P)
Introduction of this tools.
Basically, it is a set of calculation which searching for different patterns through the text, such as the amount of words beginning with a vowel.
If the amount of these matches is divisible by a certain number, such as 7 (which is said to be God's number), there is an incontestable argument that the Spirit of God is ever present in the text.
Another important aspect in gematria are the numerical values of letters: A=1, B=2 ... I=9, J=10, K=20 and so on. The Gematriculator uses Finnish alphabet, in which Y is a vowel.
Hehe! Whether you believe this or not, this website is really fun to try out! So everyone out there, try this gematriculator and tell me your result ya! Bye!
Not bad also mahs.. 62 % GOOD worh.. hehe.. =)
Aiyayaya... less evill than mine pulak.. =(
haha... yaya. sometime too good not good de... good + some evil onli fun ma... hoho